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S/F, Course Withdrawal Deadline Is Friday

The last day for undergraduates to declare S/F (satisfactory/fail) or withdraw from courses is Friday, November 16.  First-year and transfer students may declare the S/F option until Wednesday, December 5. Students who wish to withdraw from a class will need to submit a drop/add form to Lattimore 312 by the November 16 deadline.

Students in the Class of 2021 and 2022 who have not formally declared their major—and all Hajim students—will need their undergraduate advisor’s signature on the form. Additionally, all Hajim students are required to obtain a departmental stamp. Before withdrawing from a course, students are encouraged to consult with their professor as well as their advisor(s).

The S/F option is declared using an online form available on the Registrar’s website.

Advisors in the College Center for Advising Services (Lattimore 312) are also available to discuss these options with students.

Have You Completed Your Federal Loan Requirements?

If you were offered a federal loan as part of your financial aid package, make sure to complete any outstanding loan requirements. Log into your FAOnline account to confirm if you have any outstanding requirements. Once you’ve logged into your account, review the required documents screen and look for any document listed as not received.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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