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Finals Week Is May 6 to 13

Finals week starts tomorrow, Monday, May 6, and runs through May 13. Study spaces in Rush Rhees Library are open 24 hours through Friday, May 11. See dining hours for finals week and for Senior Week.

The last day to use spring declining funds and meal passes is Sunday, May 19. Funds remaining in a declining account after May 19 will be forfeited. Those funds are not available for use during the summer. Students who want a summer dining plan need to sign up at the ID Office in Susan B. Anthony Halls.

Summer Session A Online Registration Closes May 12

Planning on taking a course in Summer Session A, May 20 to June 28? Online registration closes Sunday, May 12. Students can still register after that date via paper registration form. Classes without at least two registrants one week prior to the class start will be canceled. To view the summer course offerings and learn more, sign up for the Summer Session mailing list or visit

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