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Financial Aid Documents Due September 6

Students who have outstanding financial aid documents have until Friday, September 6, to submit them to the Financial Aid Office. To see if you are one of these students, log into your FAOnline account and view the Required Documents screen. Direct questions to the Financial Aid Office.

Meal Plan Change Deadline is September 7

The last day to make a change to your fall meal plan is Saturday, September 7. Details and the meal plan change form are available on the Dining Services website.

Grubhub Takes over Mobile Ordering on Campus

Tapingo, the mobile ordering app previously used on campus, is currently transitioning to Grubhub. Those wishing to order food and beverages through Grubhub will still be able to link their Student ID and declining balance account or credit card in order to make purchases for pick-up through the app. Grubhub is currently up and running on campus, and is set up with all of the same locations and options previously seen with Tapingo. Students are encouraged to download the Grubhub app now, as Tapingo will soon be phased out. View more information on the Tapingo to Grubhub transition, and contact Dining Services with any questions.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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