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Spring 2020 Drop/Add Deadline: February 12

The last day to drop or add classes for the spring 2020 semester is Wednesday, February 12. Drop/add forms (available at the Academic Services Counter in Lattimore 312) must be turned in to the College Center for Advising Services, Lattimore 312, by 5 p.m. The instructor’s signature is required to add a class; first-year students and those who have not yet declared a major must also have the signature of their pre-major advisor. Engineering students must have a department stamp. There is no grace day for dropping and adding classes.

Novel Coronavirus Resources and Updates Website

A new University website has launched as a resource for information on the global novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) health crisis. Here, members of the University community can view the most recent University statements and news about the illness; a FAQ designed to answer many questions students, faculty, and staff may have about the 2019-nCoV; and links to key sources of information. In addition, President Sarah Mangelsdorf has established a crossdepartmental response team, led by representatives of Global Engagement and Emergency Management, to plan holistically for how the ongoing 2019-nCoV situation may affect the entirety of the institution.

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