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Financial Aid Documents Due September 4

All outstanding financial aid documents are due by Friday, September 4. Review the list of requirements through the Required Documents menu of your FAOnline account. If your required documents have not been received after September 4, any financial aid that has not been disbursed will be removed from your account until the Financial Aid Office has received the outstanding documents. Contact your financial aid counselor if you have any questions about what you need to submit.

Key Reminders for Students

The College offers the following reminders:

  • Safety first: You must use hand sanitizer when you enter the classroom and use the wipes to clean your workstations. Maintaining social distance is important, even when waiting for classes. Try to time your arrival time to a class near the beginning of the class start time.
  • Health screening: Students on campus must complete Dr. Chat Bot each day. Be sure to save a screenshot.
  • Give feedback: As the semester continues, do provide feedback on the classroom experience using the Comment form.
  • Participation grades: Students are not to be penalized for attending class asynchronously.
  • Space needs: Students who have a need for a quiet space to take remote courses, attend a telemedicine appointment, or other private online meetings will soon be able to reserve campus space. The College is working on a request form and process and hopes to share more with you next week.

A Reminder about the AS&E Academic Honesty Policy

Even in online/hybrid learning environments, the Academic Honesty Policy applies to all students in Arts, Sciences & Engineering. You are encouraged to review policy highlights, common tips and pitfalls, and other resources available on the academic honesty website to educate yourself on how the policy applies within specific contexts. Questions about academic honesty can be directed either to your course instructors or to AS&E’s honesty liaison. You can also sign up for confidential advising with the honesty liaison through a secure online system. 

COVID Concern Report Form

Every member of the University community has a shared responsibility to act in ways that reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 and abide by the safety measures and policies put in place that help keep those learning, working, and living at the University safe and healthy. If you observe that an individual or group is not acting responsibly with regard to COVID-19, you can report these incidents through the COVID-19 Concern Report Form.

Mask Distribution for Off-Campus Students

If you are an AS&E undergraduate student living off-campus and you have not yet received your branded University of Rochester mask, you can pick one up at The Common Connection in the Campus Center (201 Wilson Commons) this week. The Common Connection is open Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday from noon to 9 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 10 p.m. See additional mask-distribution information.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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