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Drop/Add Deadline Is Wednesday

Wednesday, September 23, is the last day for undergraduate students in the College to add and drop/delete courses from their fall schedules. 

Students should complete a  drop/add form  to add or drop/delete a course.  Instructions are available  here. Instructor permission is not required if the student is dropping a class.  To add a class, the email permission of the instructor should be submitted with the drop/add form.  Hajim School students need the approval of their undergraduate coordinator for all schedule changes.  Students in the Class of 2024 and 2023 from Arts & Sciences should speak to their advisor about any proposed changes to their schedule; no signature or email permission is required for the drop/add form.   

Students who intend to register for fewer than 14 credits during the fall semester, should speak to an advisor in the  College Center for Advising Services  about their plans.  Undergraduate students must remain enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits in order to retain their full-time status. 

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