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Blackboard Update Includes Changes to Login Steps

Blackboard was upgraded over the holiday and the login steps have changed. You can no longer type your NetID credentials directly in a Blackboard login screen. You now have to choose the NetID login option from the main Blackboard page or choose “third-party account” from any alternate pages (used by the mobile app, Panopto, or email links). If you use the mobile app you will have to reset your app to reconnect to UR Blackboard. All of this information, and instructions for updating the app, are available at

Celebrate Winterfest Weekend, February 3–7

Enjoy Rochester’s winter splendor at Winterfest Weekend, February 3–7. Featured events include ice skating, trivia, the activities fair, a Winter Wonderland including an ice-carving demonstration and fire pits, and a live Q&A with comedian Trevor Noah. Check out the full weekend schedule and register for events on CCC.

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