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Seniors: Final Deadline to Submit Changes

The final date to submit changes or updates is Monday, May 1.  After this date, documents—paper or electronic—submitted by seniors will not be reviewed until after commencement. Questions? Visit the College Center for Advising Services in Lattimore Hall 312. Walk-in hours are Monday through Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.

Select Your Meal Plan by May 5

Now that the Housing Lottery is complete, students who have not selected meal plans must go back to and select a plan for the 2017–18 academic year. Click on Dining Services Agreement/Contract. Plans must be selected by Friday, May 5. A late registration fee of $50 will be charged for those who submit after the deadline or do not select plans. Dining Services will then assign a plan.
Students who plan on appealing the dining plan must still select a plan; a plan must be in place prior to submitting any kind of appeal.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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