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Dining Services Announces Partial Refund of Fall Meal Plan Cost

University Dining Services is providing all students currently enrolled in a meal plan a 20 percent refund of the full cost. These refunds will be processed before the end of October through UR Student and will be credited to each student’s bursar account. This partial refund will have no impact on a student’s financial aid package.

“From the beginning of our staffing shortage, we’ve said that we’re doing everything in our power to ensure that students continue to have access to a variety of foods that meet their dietary needs,” said Cam Schauf, director of campus dining services and auxiliary operations. “While we are continuing to address staffing challenges through employee recruitment and adding new food options, we understand that students have been directly impacted in their ability to spend their meal plan dollars, and have incurred higher costs through Grubhub and other alternative food sources. In recognition of this, we are offering this refund to students.

“While there is no timeline, we are confident that we can build back up our staff to normal levels in order to resume regular dining services, including reopening the dining locations that have been closed in order to focus on core operations. And we thank all of our students and parents who continue to be understanding of the challenges we are facing,” said Schauf.

Questions and answers about the refund are available through the online FAQ.

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