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Commuter Meal Plan Registration Deadline Is Today

The deadline for commuter students to register for a meal plan is today, May 1. You must register by filing a contract, which can be found on the dining web page. Completed contracts should be emailed to as an attachment using either a Microsoft Word or PDF format. If you miss the deadline, you will be assessed a $50 late registration fee and will be assigned a Commuter Meal Plan.

Graduation Regalia Distribution Starts May 2 at the Campus Bookstore

Graduating students: caps and gowns will be available for pick-up or purchase at the Barnes & Noble in College Town starting on Monday, May 2.

If you pre-ordered your regalia online and selected “bookstore pickup,” avoid the initial rush by waiting a few days. Your items will not be distributed to anyone else. If you can’t claim your items in person, feel free to have a friend or roommate pick them up.

If you did not place an order in advance, please know that the store has a significant supply of extra items in all sizes and degrees. It’s recommended that you stop by the store as soon as possible to ensure the best fit and correct hood color.

The bookstore will have extended hours through Commencement weekend:
Monday, May 2, through Saturday, May 7: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday, May 8: Closed
Monday, May 9, through Thursday, May 12: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday, May 13, and Saturday, May 14: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sunday, May 15: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fill-In Family Requests for Commencement

If your loved ones are unable to attend Commencement because of visa issues, flight costs, or other reasons, submit a Fill-In Family request. University community members are waiting to be matched with you to help celebrate your big day. They can meet you in advance and have a meal or coffee, be your cheerleaders in the audience for your department ceremony on Saturday, May 14, and take videos and photos for your family. You can meet up at the reception after if you choose. Contact Molly Morrison with questions.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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