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No Classes Monday, September 5

There are no classes tomorrow in observance of Labor Day. See this year’s academic calendar.

Upcoming Health Care Deadline

All incoming and returning full-time students must complete the Online Health Insurance Process before midnight on Thursday, September 15. If you miss the deadline, you will be enrolled in the University-sponsored health insurance for the entire year. Learn more at a seminar on Understanding Student Health Care with Ralph Manchester, vice provost and director of University Health Service. He will discuss how to make the most of your mandatory health fee, student health insurance, and UHS facilities. The seminar will be held at 6 p.m. Wednesday, September 7, in Dewey 2162. Send any questions you have with your RSVP.

AlertUR Test Set for Thursday; Review Your Contact Information

The fall semester test of AlertUR will occur on Thursday, September 8, at 6 p.m. AlertUR is the University’s emergency notification system. In the event of an emergency, alerts are sent by voice, text, or email message. The purpose of the twice-a-year test is to activate the AlertUR system and check that you can be reached immediately. Students are automatically enrolled via their Rochester email address. Before the test, be sure to review your contact information at; sign in with your NetID and password to verify the fastest method for reaching you. The September 8 test will not disrupt scheduled activities.

Financial Aid Requirement: Sibling Enrollment

If you have a sibling in college and are receiving financial aid, you may be required to verify their enrollment. Log in to your FAOnline account and check the “Required Documents” tab. If the Sibling Enrollment Verification Form is listed as “not received,” visit the “Standard Forms” tab, print the form, complete sections A and B, and ensure the rest is completed by your sibling’s school and sent back to the University of Rochester. The deadline is September 30.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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