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Fall message from the Academic Honesty Liaison

As classes and assessments continue to unfold in a combination of in-person, online, and hybrid formats, keep in mind that the same rules, requirements, and expectations for integrity outlined in the Academic Honesty Policy apply to all Arts, Sciences & Engineering (AS&E) coursework.

These rules exist on three levels: all AS&E; the specific courses you take; and specific exams and assignments you have in those courses. You can be held responsible for violating the rules even if you didn’t know you were doing so at the time.

To ensure you follow these rules, understand your professors’ expectations, and complete your work with integrity, you should read the AS&E policy; academic honesty guidelines given in the syllabus of each course you take; and any additional honesty-related requirements your instructors have provided for the first assignment due in each course.

Please read the guidelines for maintaining academic honesty in online learning, created in spring 2020 and posted on the Academic Honesty website. All of us are responsible for acting with integrity and upholding the culture of fair and honest work we want to see on campus.

If you are ever in doubt about what that means, email

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