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Save the Date: Student Flu Vaccine Clinic Is October 20

On Thursday, October 20, University Health Service will host a flu vaccine clinic for students from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Goergen Athletic Center, located across from Fauver Stadium. Additional details will follow as the date nears. Getting a flu shot is one way that students can protect their own health and that of the University community in the coming months.

The flu shot is covered in full for all active members of the University’s student health insurance plan (Aetna) and is generally covered in full by most private insurance plans. Contact your insurance plan directly for specific coverage details. Flu vaccines offer the best and safest way to prevent the spread of the illness and getting vaccinated does not cause the flu. Some people may react with a sore arm or feel achy after the shot, but this is much better than coming down with influenza.


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