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A message from Dean Jeffrey Runner

Jeffrey Runner, dean of the College, vice provost, and University dean for undergraduate education, shares the following message:

“Last week in a meeting with Minority Student Advisory Board student leaders, I attempted to use a metaphor to make a point. I have heard from members of the campus community that my choice of words has caused harm. I want to deeply apologize for the pain my words have caused—to my students, my faculty and staff colleagues, and to the broader campus community. I was wrong to suggest what a Black person might feel when confronted with a confederate flag or how a Jewish person might react to the word genocide. As a linguist I know that the intention behind words is only a small part of the power and impact of language, and I was not careful in my choice of words, nor thoughtful in a moment that requires thoughtfulness and sensitivity. My speech caused hurt that I accept full responsibility for. Thank you to those of you have reached out to help me understand that.”

Spring 2024 registration

Spring 2024 registration begins on Monday, November 13. Find the registration schedule on the Office of the Registrar’s webpage.

To prevent delays on Registration Day,  please check for any holds that may prevent registration, including but not limited to onboarding, advising, Title IX training, UHS requirements, primary writing, and past-due balances. To check for holds, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to UR Student
  • Click on “Academics”
  • On the left side of the screen you will see holds. If you have any, click the number to view them.
  • Each hold will tell you what you need to do to resolve the hold and who to contact if you have any questions.

Thanksgiving shuttle schedule

Complimentary shuttles will be available to transport students to and from the airport, train, and bus stations on Wednesday, November 22, and Sunday, November 26. Find more information and the shuttle schedule here. Sponsored by the Students’ Association Government.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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