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University announces new academic calendar

Beginning with the 2024–25 academic year, the University will adopt a new academic calendar that better aligns holidays and other events across each of the University schools throughout the year. Changes to the academic calendar include:

  • The fall semester will start on the last Monday of August
  • The Thanksgiving holiday break will be Wednesday–Sunday
  • Spring semester will start on the Tuesday after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Each year, the first Friday of the spring semester will be known as “Rochester Monday”

The new “Rochester Monday” schedule helps accommodate the later start date, distributes class days more evenly throughout the semester, and means that students will attend, and faculty will teach, their Monday classes on the first Friday of the spring semester.

While some of the professional schools at the University may maintain a slightly different academic calendar, the intention of the shift in the calendar is to ensure that students taking classes across University schools have a streamlined experience. More information and the full academic calendar are available online.

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