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Final Reminder: Course Evaluations

All course evaluations must be completed by Friday, December 22. Final grades can be viewed if you complete all your evaluations. For those who do not, final grades will be viewable on Friday, December 29.

Residence Halls Close December 23

Residence halls close for the semester at 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 23. If you plan to remain on campus during Winter Stay (December 23 through January 14), you must register for housing. See details below.

Winter Stay Housing Deadline Is Today

The following residence halls will be open for Winter Stay: SBA, Genesee, Brooks Crossing, Riverview, and Southside. If you don’t live in one of these areas, you should seek out a friend who lives in one of these areas and ask to use their room. Residential Life will be offering hostel-style housing in SBA for those students who are not able to locate housing on their own.

The deadline for submitting registration for Winter Stay housing or requesting hostel housing is midnight tonight, Sunday, December 17. If you are registering to stay or your host is registering you to stay in their room, go to the Winter Stay registration page on the Residential Life website.

If you’re seeking hostel housing, Residential Life will take care of registering and assigning you. Email

Learn more about the services, hours, and activities offered during Winter Stay.

See You in 2018!

Look for the next issues of Read This and The Report on January 14 and 15.

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Read This is a publication of the Office of the Dean of the College and University Communications. It’s emailed to all undergraduates at the College on Sunday evenings during the academic year. Send comments and report delivery problems to

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