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RSS feed

RSS feed options

The title field is where to add the title or headline of the component.

The content block is where supporting text can be added to the RSS feed component. Usually this would include a sentence or two describing what the feed is about.

Background color
The RSS feed can have a white or gray background. Simply select which color is preferred.

RSS feed url
For information on how to create the RSS feed url see the designated section below.

Feed display style
There are two different styles for displaying an RSS feed.

  • Card: The card option displays the feed in a card grid that will populate down the page.
  • Scroll: The scroll option is a horizontal option that displays the feed in a carousel style that can be scrolled through.

Feature post
An option featured post can be displayed. This will feature the first post in the feed larger and above the rest of the other posts.

Number of posts to display
Choose how many posts are displayed using this setting. The feed can show anywhere between 1 and 9 posts.

RSS feed url

The RSS feed requires an RSS url to pull posts from another source. This url can be put together using data from the source. Here is a template for creating an RSS feed url:

  • Site: The url of the source sites homepage is always the first part of creating the RSS url.
  • Category: Keep the word “category” in the url.
  • Category-name: Filling into the “category-name” slot is the category of posts that need to be pulled. This should be written exactly the same as from the source sites category.
  • Feed: Keep the word “feed” in the url.

Here is an example of a completed RSS feed url:

If this url is entered into a browser a bunch of code will appear. This is simply the data that the RSS feed is pulling but is not necessary for creating the RSS feed url. Simply copy the url and paste it into the “RSS feed url” field.

RSS feed example

Here is an example of the card display for the RSS feed.