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Make your site stand out and fit your preferences with styling!


Headings are used to delineate the importance of text and have a simple numbering system to keep track of the importance. Starting at Heading 1, each subsequent heading is less important all the way down to paragraph being the lowest. Each heading has a shortened down name to help keep things brief. For example Heading 1 is known as H1. Here are some explanations and best practices for each.

  • H1: The most important heading with the biggest font. Heading 1 or “H1” should only be used for the most important text on the page and is generally reserved for the title of the page.
  • H2 and H3: Both are small and less important than H1 but are still generally bigger and bolder fonts. These are good to use for titles of page sections.
  • H4: This heading is specifically an all-caps option which can be helpful for lead-ins.
  • H5 and H6: These headings are bold but not too big. They are good for card titles or stand out information.
  • Paragraph: General text should be used as paragraph text. This is generally considered “regular” text and has no additional formatting.

These headings not only display importance in terms of visual size, but also in terms of search engine optimization. H1 is seen as the more important text than an H5 or “paragraph” when the search engine is looking through a page.

To format text, simply select the text to change and click which style to apply.


Under “formats” are additional options for styling.

  • Lead Text: used to increase the font size of a paragraph.
  • Indicator Flag: creates a yellow highlighted bubble around the selected text, creating an excellent way to draw the attention of the user.
  • Font Family: By default, all the text on the site will use the Proxima Nova font family. There is an additional option to use the font Utopia. This font conveys elegance and importance and is only recommended for use as the title of a section.
  • Font Weight: If the need to make the text in a paragraph bolder arises, the “font weight” options may be of use. Font weight allows the text to be bolder without attaching the importance label that a “heading” option would provide.

Additional styling

In addition to the mentioned styling options, there are a lot of other ways to style content. The toolbar contains a lot of very simple styling options. These should look familiar to other programs such as Microsoft Word. Try these options out to make the site look just right!

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