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Testimonial options

Scroll down to the “varied width content” area and click “add module.” This will open up a list of all the components. Select testimonial and it will be added to the varied width content area.

The field is where to add the title or headline of the testimonial. The title can be styled but the text will be bolded by default.

The content block is where a description can be added below the title. Usually this would include a sentence or two describing what the testimonial content is about.

Background color
The testimonial component supports five background colors. These can be selected by choosing the desired color.

The style option refers to two different display options for the testimonials.

  • Cards: Displays the testimonials in a grid layout that expands down the page as more are added.
  • Scroll: This style displays the testimonials in a horizontal carousel that can be scrolled through to see more. On pages where space is limited the scroll style is a great option.

Adding quotes

Pull quote
The main field of the testimonial component is the pull quote field. This is where to add the quote to the component. There is no need to add quotation marks here — they’ll be automatically added.

To add attribution for the above quote, use the attribution field. This will automatically add and format the persons name below the quote.

Wrapping link
The wrapping link is an optional field that allows the testimonials to become clickable links. Click the “select link” button and add a link to the “url” field. This will then turn the testimonial into a clickable card.

An image can be added to the pull quote for greater visual impact. Using a picture of the person saying the quote is a great idea! The recommended dimensions for the image are 1,230px by 820px.

Media placement
This option determines which side of the screen the image selected above will show on. This setting is only applicable if only one testimonial is being added. If more than one is being added, all of the images will be displayed above the pull quote. On a mobile device, the media will stack above the text content if left is selected, below if right is selected.

Testimonial example

Students at Rochester forge their own path. Whether it’s through research opportunities, our flexible curriculum, or rich campus culture, there’s plenty of ways to take your education to the next level.