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Text options

The text component is available for simply adding text into a webpage.

The title field is where to add the title or the heading text. This text can be styled but any text in the title field will atomically be bolded.

The “content” field is main part of the text component. This field is where to add all of the text content to the component. The text can be styled to match a variety of themes and moods.

Background color
The background color of the field can be changed using the background color options. When choosing a color, keep in mind that text is best read as dark text on a light background.

Content width
“Content width” controls how wide the block of text is going to be.

  • Default: This size is selected atomically and is set to fill a medium amount of space on the page.
  • Large: If the text begins to feel too cramped or the it should be wider, the “large” option will give more room.
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