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About the Rochester Component Library Project

Decorative dandelion architecture.

Project Goals

Offer a memorable experience for website visitors that is unique to the University.

Allow website builders the freedom and ability to communicate departmental or unit specific content within the framework of the University’s digital design system.

Create a library of branded component modules that act as building blocks for websites within

Building for External and Internal Audiences

External Website Visitors

Website visitors represent a wide range of ages, technical competencies, and reading levels. Users could be on a variety of different device types or browsers, live in different countries, or have disabilities that affect their web browsing experience. All components need to be accessible and usable by all audiences

Examples of website visitors include, but aren’t limited to: Website Visitors, Prospective students, Current students, Alumni, Parents, Faculty and staff, Donors, Peer institutions, the larger Rochester community.

Internal Website Administrators

Individuals and teams updating the University’s website have a wide range of technical and communication skillsets. Examples of web administrators include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Unit administrative professional with extremely limited CMS experience.
  • Unit communication generalists limited CMS experience.
  • Content strategists with CMS experience focused on editing and restructuring content, but limited technical knowledge and experience.
  • Technology generalists with CMS experience but limited web design experience.
  • Website developers with both significant CMS experience, front-end and back-end, as well as web design experience.
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