Office of Human Resources
Type: Enterprise executive office
Audience: Prospective/current faculty + staff, local community
Size: ~200 pages
University WordPress Theme
Learn more about the University’s WordPress theme: Rochester Core. See the theme in action, access demos, and training guides.
Whether crafting a campaign, building department resources, or launching a news site, Rochester Core has you covered. On this page, you’ll find everything you need to know about the University’s WordPress theme, Rochester Core.
Topics on this page:
Many sites, one solution
Rochester Core runs on over 100 University WordPress sites. The sites below use the Rochester Core WordPress theme as it comes out of the box. You may notice that each site below has different audiences, needs, and scope or size; however, Rochester Core’s flexibility enables sites to bend and stretch as needed.
Office of Human Resources
Type: Enterprise executive office
Audience: Prospective/current faculty + staff, local community
Size: ~200 pages
Global Engagement
Type: Enterprise executive office
Audience: Prospective/current students + families + faculty + staff, government and community
Size: ~50 pages
University News Center
Type: News and media
Audience: Prospective students + families, alumni, faculty, and staff
Size: ~4,000 posts
Undergraduate Admissions
Type: Marketing
Audience: Prospective students + families
Size: ~100 pages
Commencement Weekend
Type: Campaign and initiative
Audience: Current students + families + faculty + staff, alumni, government and community
Size: ~100 pages
Campaign for United Way
Type: Campaign and initiative
Audience: Current faculty + staff, local community, government and community
Size: ~15 pages
Components are customizable building blocks for content on the Rochester Core WordPress theme. The pages below contain how-to guides, an overview of options, and example use cases for each component.
Rows of content that users can expand and close
Card grid
Present information, links, and resources in a columned layout
Built to list team members within a particular group
Event feed
Embed an event feed from the University Calendar onto a page
Add links to your social media profiles and a third site-wide menu
Image gallery
Displays images in a carousel layout
Creates impactful calls to action
Showcases images and videos
Allows admins to create and display on-page menus
Query (blog feed)
Creates a feed of your site’s posts based on categories and tags
RSS feed
Pulls in stories from the University News Center based on categories and tags
Inserts a site search box on a page
Social media
Creates links for users to follow social profiles or share the content on their profiles
Table of Contents
Dynamically generates an organized list of links to improve page navigation
Creates an impactful pull quote, byline, and photo layout
Creates standard text blocks on pages
Rochester Core is always evolving, and your feedback helps shape its future. If you have a feature idea or an improvement request, let us know—we’re always looking for ways to make the platform better.
Stay up to date on all of the new theme enhancements made monthly. The Core Report also includes training and professional development opportunities.
You’ll receive the Core Report automatically if you have access to a University WordPress website. Explore archived copies below.
Learn how to effectively use Rochester Core’s components to build, style, and optimize pages in WordPress. Just search “WordPress Administration” in MyPath to get started.
Learn more about the University’s brand guidelines to ensure everything on your website aligns with Rochester’s values, identity standards, and professional presentation. These resources provide the framework to keep your digital projects polished and consistent.
If you’re interested in learning more about the University’s WordPress theme, would like to learn more about component options or features, or have any other questions please get in touch with our office.