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Reminder: Warmer weather still requires COVID-19 prevention efforts 

As warmer and drier spring weather draws University community members outdoors, it is important to remember that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic and that our collective efforts as a community can stop the spread of COVID-19.

“COVID-19 has not gone away and we need to keep doing everything possible to prevent a surge in cases here on campus,” says Ralph Manchester, vice provost and University Health Service director. “We must remain particularly vigilant about social distancing, especially as the weather gets nice and people are drawn outside.”

New York State requires that everyone wear a face covering when heading outside and being in public. Wilson Commons Student Activities Office has launched several face mask distribution events for all students to get masks free of charge.

Everyone also needs to continue to practice social distancing—remaining six feet apart from others, whether on a walk, out on the Quad, or shopping for groceries. Non-essential gatherings of any number of people are still not allowed, whether indoors or outdoors. The Department of Public Safety has advised that officers on patrol will continue to speak to individuals they observe gathering together and not maintaining a six-foot distance from others.

Here is additional guidance on stopping the spread of COVID-19 when outside:

  • Avoid games and activities that require close contact.
  • Avoid frequently touched surfaces and objects.
  • Do not share equipment such as bicycles, helmets, balls or frisbees.  
  • Do not gather in groups or share food.
  • When returning indoors, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol.

For the latest information on New York State’s On Pause response, visit For full details on the University’s response, see University’s COVID-19 website.

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