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Temporary furlough program starts in May

In recent messages to the University community, President Mangelsdorf and senior leaders announced steps the University will take to address financial challenges during the coronavirus pandemic:

Temporary furlough program: A message to employees at the Medical Center and a message to non-Medical Center faculty and staff outline plans for a temporary furlough program that began May 10. The University hopes to conclude the furlough period by August 31, but ability to predict its duration is limited because of the continued uncertain course of the disease and its financial impacts, as well as of the state and county mandates to reopen our economy more fully. As a result, the furlough period may be reduced or extended.

Hiring and overtime: The University has implemented a freeze on hiring for all open positions and replacement staff positions until further notice, unless an offer was extended to a candidate as of March 20, 2020. Any exceptions must be approved by senior leadership who report directly to the President. During this time, no new faculty recruitment should begin unless essential to operations and approved by senior leadership. Additionally, all overtime in non-clinical areas should be kept to a minimum and will require approval by senior leadership.

Merit program: The University will not provide merit increases to faculty or staff for fiscal year 2021.

Senior leadership compensation: Beginning May 1, the President’s Senior Leadership Group and Cabinet, plus a group of the senior leaders at the Medical Center will take salary reductions of up to 18 percent, with the highest wage earners taking the greatest reductions.

Wage compression program: The University will delay the planned wage compression program for employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage.

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