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International students: Updates on quarantine, move-in, and housing

August 25 Update: View the latest guidance on quarantine requirements for students arriving from international locations, including Canada.

Dear international students,

The following is an update message sent on behalf of the University of Rochester’s Office of Residence Life on the COVID -19 quarantine policy and move-in based on the latest guidelines of the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Should you require further information, please contact the individuals (in bold) listed in the message and not the International Services Office (ISO). We wish you all a safe journey and look forward to welcoming you soon on campus.

CDC quarantine guidelines for international students coming from abroad

As of August 6, 2020, the CDC has discontinued its guidance that required asymptomatic students from international locations to quarantine for 14-days upon arrival in the US. Therefore, the University will no longer require newly arriving students from abroad to quarantine (if international students have already begun a quarantine through the University before August 6, they need to complete it). The new CDC guidance recommends that students who arrive from abroad take four actions to protect themselves and others from COVID-19:

  • When around others, stay at least 6 feet (about two arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household. It is important to do this everywhere, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wear a mask to keep your nose and mouth covered when you are outside of your home.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer.
  • Watch your health: Look for symptoms of COVID-19, and take your temperature if you feel sick.

Undergraduate student housing options for quarantine and regular move-in

While international students coming from their home country are no longer required to quarantine, international undergraduate students who have been residing within the United States must still participate in a 14-day quarantine if they are coming from one of the states specified by the New York Governor’s office.

If you are arriving from abroad, and have made a reservation through the Residential Life quarantine signup and would like to cancel that reservation, please contact Laurel Contomanolis at, and she will work directly with the Hyatt to make that cancellation.

The earliest students may arrive on campus is August 17. If you have already purchased plane tickets to correspond with your quarantine date, please try to change your flight so that you arrive between August 17 and 25. If you are unable to change your trip, the University may be able to assist you with finding alternative housing for the time between when your flight arrives and when you can move into the residence halls. Please contact Molly Jolliff at if you require assistance.

Students should go to the Residential Life website and sign up for a move-in day and time. You should plan on arriving on campus between August 17 and August 25. Move-in and COVID-19 testing times are required. No one moves into the residence halls without a COVID test.

Graduate student housing options for quarantine and move-in

If you are arriving directly from your home country and would like to move into your assigned apartment, please plan to arrive Monday- Friday and follow the information provided in your acceptance letter.

While international students coming from their home country are no longer required to quarantine, international graduate students who have been residing within the United States must still participate in a 14-day quarantine if they are coming from one of the states specified by the New York Governor’s office. Students may sign up for quarantine at the Hyatt and can specify the date that they wish to arrive to begin their quarantine. Remember, if you are selecting this option, you may not leave your room for the entire 14-day period—one person per room. The cost is $99/day and includes three meals per day delivered to your door. Students register through the Office for Residential Life and Housing services at Residential Life will be billed for your housing and will then put the charges on your University student account sometime in September or October, depending on your arrival time.

The University will continue to monitor developments and will follow guidance on travel advisories, quarantine, and other requirements from global, national, and state health and government officials.

Ravi Shankar
Assistant Vice Provost and Director International Services Office

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