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Student international travel update for fall 2021

The University continues to carefully monitor the COVID-19 pandemic globally and based on improving health and travel conditions is beginning a gradual restart of global experiences for students, including University-sponsored or supported travel undertaken by graduate or undergraduate students. This includes formal study programs, exchange programs, internships, conferences, research, fellowships, service learning, volunteer programs, performances, athletic competitions, and additional types of international experiences.

Remaining vigilant to keep students safe amidst continued health and safety risks around the world, all global experiences planned for the 2021 fall semester must be submitted to the Center for Education Abroad (CEA) first and will require review and approval by Global Engagement’s Travel Review Subcommittee. To date, a very limited number of programs have been approved and the majority have been postponed until at least the 2022 spring semester.

All departments or individuals in any school or division of the University currently planning a global student experience for the fall 2021 semester should complete the survey found here. CEA will review and advise on further steps. Programs will only be considered if the planning is already well-developed. Current conditions related to the pandemic vary across the world and some regions are experiencing more severe conditions than others. This generally allows for opportunities in some regions, but limit opportunity in others.

If you have questions, please contact the Center for Education Abroad at (585) 275-7532, or Global Engagement at

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