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The US Department of State has issued a Global Level 4 Health Advisory — Do Not Travel. This advisory indicates that U.S. Citizens should avoid all travel, or if they are abroad, they should return to the U.S. immediately, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period. Further, we strongly advise all University of Rochester travelers abroad to return immediately either to the U.S. or their home country.

Travel within and between countries is rapidly shutting down globally, and the ability for you to return to the U.S. or your home country shrinks as time passes. Airlines have cancelled many international flights. In countries where commercial departures remain an option, you should arrange for immediate return to the U.S. or your home country.  If you disregard this information, you may be forced to remain outside of the United States or your home country for an indefinite period time. If you do not act immediately, the University of Rochester will likely be unable to assist you given the global travel shutdown that is occurring. Again: we implore you to return to Rochester immediately, or to your country of residence.

If you are a student and previously indicated plans to remain in-country, we would like to implore you to reconsider this decision and return to either the U.S. or your home country, immediately.

You should:

  1. Immediately contact your airline or travel provider to (re)book a ticket.
  2. Contact with questions.
  3. If you are on University-related travel, you can contact our travel assistance services provider Europ Assistance (240-330-1414) to assist in providing emergency travel arrangements.
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