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Initiate a Partnership Agreement

Initiate an Agreement

International partnerships and collaborations can develop and sustain themselves in various ways, including joint research, information sharing, collaborative experiments, faculty and student exchanges, or other activities. Many international collaborations are best supported with a written agreement.

The office for Global Engagement manages international agreements at the University. If you are thinking about embarking on a partnership or collaborative effort, please contact us four to six months in advance of the activity.

The first step in the process is to complete the Partnership Proposal Form.

We will assist you in the following ways:

  • General consultation: Our office helps facilitate all types of international partnerships. If you have connected with a fellow researcher or institution but aren’t sure how to begin collaborating, we’d be happy to meet with you to discuss what types of questions to ask, how to set up parameters, and if other tools would be helpful (such as an agreement) to ensure a successful venture.
  • Partner communication: Our office will act as the liaison between the partnering institution and UR departments.
  • Research and tracking: Our office manages a comprehensive database of partnerships and
  • agreements that exist throughout the entire University of Rochester. If you are curious as to whether we have connections with a specific person, institution, or company, we can help.
  • Agreement development: We recommend starting the process four to six months before the intended start date of the collaboration activity. Our office can offer support during the negotiation process, go over agreement drafts, and provide input on University policies and frameworks in a timely manner.

For additional information, please contact Megan Bennett-Spears at 


General Cooperation Agreements: General cooperation agreements with an international partner help to define the scope and aspirations of the partnership. At Rochester, these agreements should only be enacted to confirm the establishment of a formal relationship with the intent to cooperate on more specific programs in the future. These relationships are typically supported by an affiliation agreement or memorandum of understanding (MoU). At times, additional agreements (such as a research collaboration agreement or student exchange agreement) will be required for specific cooperation activities after the entry into a general cooperation agreement.

Student Exchanges and Mobility Partnerships: Mobility partnerships include various types of academic exchanges and mobility in the form of undergraduate, graduate, and medical student experiences. These experiences may include academic coursework, service, research, internship, specialty, or other components and are typically supported by an international exchange agreement with the partner.

Faculty Exchanges and Mobility Partnerships: Faculty mobility involves the movement of faculty between the University of Rochester and a partner institution, creating new opportunities for faculty development, teaching, and research. Sometimes these are formalized by agreements; when the relationship is less firm or established, faculty mobility might occur without the presence of an agreement.

Collaborative Degrees: These programs can offer students opportunities to study and get degrees from multiple institutions. They are supported by a collaborative degree or joint degree program agreement and require substantial buy-in from both departments and institutions prior to engagement. Significant course review and evaluation by both parties is required to ensure alignment and successful progression of student through the program.

Education Abroad Opportunities: These opportunities may include faculty-led or instructor-led experiences, direct enrollment opportunities, internships, or service-learning experiences. Depending on the type of program, an agreement with a partner or program provider may be appropriate.

Research Partnership or Collaboration Agreements: These agreements can take several forms, including that a foreign partner institution will provide administrative or operational support to particular University research projects that are occurring in the partner institution’s home country. The Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA) also supports various University research agreements, including subawards to foreign institutions relating to sponsored projects, and research collaboration agreements where the University and one or more foreign institutions each contribute to a research project. At times, research collaboration or other research-related agreements are required after the parties have entered into a general cooperation agreement. To begin, you can learn more about the research agreements support by ORPA here or you can contact your ORPA research administrator. ORPA will notify global engagement as required to facilitate the partnership.

Agreement Development Process 

STEP 1. Senior leadership support.

To align with University priorities, the department chair/unit director and dean/executive leader must be supportive of the partnership prior to the development of an agreement. Global Engagement will contact the unit leader directly to obtain confirmation.

STEP 2. Department submits a Partnership Proposal Form.

Faculty or staff associated with the partnership shall  submit the partnership proposal form 4-6 months prior to the anticipated beginning of collaborative activities.

STEP 3. Office for Global Engagement reviews proposal.

The Associate Director for International Partnerships (along with the Center for Education Abroad or Office for Medical Student Enrichment Programs as appropriate) will review the proposal. The review may take up to 10 working days.

STEP 4. Initial meetings.

If the partnership warrants further discussion, we will set up a meeting with the initiating department to discuss the collaboration in more detail. At times, it may be requested to connect with the partner during this initial phase.

STEP 5. Global drafts agreement.

We will collaborate with the partner to begin drafting the agreement. We may utilize the partners proposed agreement OR the University’s template agreements developed with the Office of Counsel. NOTE: the utilization of partner agreements may require additional time for review.

STEP 6. Internal review.

The document will be circulated to relevant stakeholder’s dependent upon the type of agreement, this may include: the initiating department, the Center for Education Abroad, Office of Medical Student Enrichment Programs, Office of Research and Project Administration, and the Office of Counsel.

STEP 7. External review.

We will send the drafted agreement to the relevant contacts at the partner institution for review.

STEP 8. Final internal review.

A final iteration of the agreement will be reviewed by all parties.

STEP 9. Signatures.

We will facilitate electronic signatures at Rochester and send the agreement to the partner for countersignatures.

STEP 10. Agreement is finalized.

When both signatures have been secured on the document, we will send the document to the appropriate stakeholders and maintain the record internally.

Written Agreement Logistics 

Duration. The duration of an agreement varies. For most agreements, the duration is five years with the possibility of renewal.

Signatory authorization. Because these are official contracts of the University of Rochester, only those with University signatory permissions may sign. Therefore, the Vice Provost for      Global Engagement, Provost, or President typically sign agreements on behalf of the institution and its schools and departments.

Costs. Prior to the agreement development, it is important to consider if there will be associated departmental costs and/or expenses related to the activities that fall under the agreement.

Renewals. Agreement renewals should be initiated 2 to 4 months prior to the expiration. Renewals will be reviewed by the Office for Global Engagement and the Office of Counsel.