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Partnership Opportunities 

Academic Partnerships 

Academic partnerships and collaborations are critical to the University’s global teaching, research, and service mission. These partnerships span all of the major academic departments and activities at Rochester, enabling student and faculty mobility, research collaboration, and capacity building.




Academic partnerships include:

  1. General cooperation agreements
  2. Student exchanges and mobility
  3. Faculty exchanges and mobility
  4. Collaborative degrees
  5. Education abroad opportunities


Research Partnerships

The University welcomes research collaborations and partnerships with researchers from all over the world to investigate critical issues of global significance. Research partnerships can often begin with the entry into a general cooperation agreement with an international partner, where potential research collaboration is one of several areas where Rochester and an international partner seek to collaborate. The office for Global Engagement manages general cooperation agreements, including those that contemplate potential research collaboration.

To properly document activities relating to specific research collaboration projects, a research collaboration agreement or other research related agreement is often necessary. These and many of the University’s research-related agreements are supported by the Office of Research and Project Administration (ORPA). You can learn more about the research agreements supported by ORPA here or contact your ORPA research administrator.

Types of Research Agreements Administered by the Office for Global Engagement

Research partnerships may also involve a Rochester graduate student working in the laboratory at a foreign partner institution or a funded center using multidisciplinary faculty from both institutions to explore numerous issues in a broad area of inquiry. Research partnerships can also involve a foreign partner providing administrative or operational support to a University project occurring in the partner’s home country, including by assisting with space needs, hiring local staff, assisting with procurement, or performing project-specific services.