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Doctoral SQUAD for Diversity

Supporting diversity in doctoral education

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Doctoral SQUAD (Strengths & Querying for Unity, Accomplishment, and Direction) is an initiative to support early-stage doctoral students from backgrounds underrepresented or historically excluded from higher education.

The program provides participating students with supports and connects them with peers and professionals to build their community. On this page, you can learn more about the program, find key events and dates, and explore additional diversity resources.

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About the Doctoral SQUAD

What is the program’s goal?

To provide students from historically marginalized backgrounds in higher education with resources, and to create a community of peers to maximize academic success. The program is a collaboration between the Office of Graduate Education and the Institutional Office of Equity and Inclusion (IOEI).

Who can be a member?

First and second year doctoral students from historically excluded, frequently marginalized, and/or underrepresented populations in higher education. These populations include African American/Black, Indigenous, Latinx/Hispanic; and low-income students from any nationality.

Why is it called “Squad”?

SQUAD is an acronym for Strengths & Querying for Unity, Accomplishment, and Direction. It is an intentional abbreviation that derives from African American Vernacular English, and is premised on recognizing strengths of our students, and building connections, as well as community for early-stage doctoral students to accomplish their aims.

Key dates and events

Highlights from past events

Our events are always a chance to connect and learn—and we usually have some laughs, too!

Students enjoyed good food from local restaurants and great remarks as part of Meliora Weekend.

Dr. Valeria Sinclair-Chapman was the guest speaker at the SQUAD Mentoring Dinner. In addition to a mentoring discussion, she shared her perspective on the value of intellectual community and connecting across different institutions.

More diversity resources

Our Student Life page has a comprehensive overview for diversity-related resources at the University. In addition, there are many graduate student groups you can join to get involved, including:

  • ADSE (Alliance for Diversity in Science & Engineering)
  • GSOC (Graduate Students of Color)
  • outGRADS (community of gender and sexual minorities including LGBTQgqIAAP+)
  • UR SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science)

Explore more campus resources

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