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Getting Ready for myURHR: Understanding Security Roles

Almost every day, we use security passwords to protect and access our work or personal information. Similarly, myURHR will have robust security to protect the data, information, and reports stored within our new modernized Human Resources solution. Before myURHR goes live in the fall of 2024, it’s essential that everyone in the University community has the appropriate access needed to do their jobs. That’s where myURHR security roles come into play.

Overview of Security Roles

An easy way to think of security roles is a set of permissions that support your job. Security roles will help to determine what you can view in myURHR, such as reports, data, and other information. Security roles will also help to determine the tasks, processes, and transactions you are able to perform in myURHR.

The myURHR project team is currently working on the complex task of assigning security roles. The biggest difference moving forward—security will be assigned to each job position at the University rather than attached to a specific individual person. This will allow for greater flexibility, especially when an individual transitions to a new job, as security access for their new position will already be available and permissions tied to their former role will be removed. It will also enable quicker access to work documents and information for new hires, as well as allow for sufficient backup support. For example, when a staff member is out of the office, another staff member with the same security access and role, can move forward any tasks or processes without delay.

Top 5 Things to Know About Security Roles

  1. Security roles help to protect information by determining what each employee can see and what they can do in myURHR, such as update data, approve transactions, initiate business processes, or view specific information.
  2. Security roles are tied to positions, not each employee, which means several people may have the same security role.
  3. Multiple security roles may be assigned to an employee, depending on their job responsibilities.
  4. Security roles are not job titles.
  5. Most faculty and staff will have the same security access in myURHR as they do now in HRMS. Others may have additional security roles depending on the business processes they will perform in myURHR.

The myURHR project team is just beginning the process of identifying security roles and assigning them appropriately. Departmental leaders will be able to review the roles closer to go-live.

About myURHR

myURHR, our new Human Resources solution replacing HRMS (PeopleSoft) in the fall of 2024, will be used to manage many HR-related processes including: viewing and managing benefits and payroll data (including paychecks); tracking time worked and submitting time off requests; updating personal information; creating new job positions; and recruiting and hiring new employees. The new system will provide a modern technology platform that will enable efficient digital workflows and provide support for important HR initiatives such as the Career Path Modernization project.


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