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Getting Ready for myURHR: Answering Your Questions—New Departure Survey

Feedback from faculty and staff is important to the University at all stages of an employee’s career. When myURHR is live, the University of Rochester will institute a new, optional departure survey in Workday for employees who voluntarily leave their positions.

Several departments were curious what the survey entails and contacted the project team after briefly hearing about it during the first round of myURHR Demo Days last fall. Below is new information to answer some of your questions.

myURHR Departure Survey in Workday

The University’s departure survey questionnaire was developed by HR using standardized questions derived from external exit survey best practices. The optional questionnaire will be sent to staff voluntarily separating from the University to gather key insights that can be used for continuous improvement to the organization.

The University is looking to capture responses to gain valuable feedback on various aspects of the employee’s experience with the institution.

Once myURHR is live, to ensure a high response rate to the survey, it’s recommended that managers initiate the termination process in Workday as soon as they know an employee is voluntarily leaving as they are more likely to complete the survey while still employed.

The departure survey, which is not editable, will remain anonymous and confidential to encourage honest feedback. Survey results will only be reported or shared in aggregate form to protect the identity of individuals completing the survey.

myURHR Departure Survey Questions

Here is a small sampling of the departure survey questions. There are 15 questions in totality.

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with your employment experience?
  2. What is the main reason you decided to leave? (select one)
    • Job Dissatisfaction
    • Working environment
    • Retirement
    • Quality of Supervision/Management
    • Relocation out of Area
    • Return to School
    • Higher wages/salary
    • Promotional opportunity
    • Other personal reasons
    • Lack of Recognition/Appreciation
    • Conflict with colleagues or supervisor
    • Entered Military service
    • Transportation
    • Other (please explain)
  3. How likely is it that you would recommend this organization to a friend or colleague as a great place to work? (Scale of 0-10)
  4. I feel like the organization cared about me as a person.
  5. I feel I had the flexibility to contribute to decisions that impacted my work.

myURHR, your modern HR Workspace, will replace HRMS this fall. Stay informed by visiting the myURHR webpages for FAQs, key changes, training information, new glossary terms, and more.

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