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myURHR Recruitment Requisition Transition: Actions Needed Before Go-Live

In less than three months, on September 23, 2024, myURHR will replace HRMS as the University’s new Human Resources information system. An important part of this move will be the transition of our recruitment processes.

Active HRMS requisitions and requisitions on hold for less than two months before go-live will automatically be transferred to myURHR. Once transferred, all active requisitions will be available for new candidates to apply to in myURHR at go-live. However, candidates and their application records currently in HRMS prior to go-live will not be transferred to myURHR (hiring managers will still be able to access candidate applications in HRMS for 90 days after the go-live date).

Prior to this transition, it’s crucial that we begin closing unnecessary requisitions and dispositioning candidates wherever possible now. This proactive approach ensures that myURHR starts with the most accurate recruiting data possible on day one and minimizes the effort required to manage outdated candidate information in HRMS post go-live.

Please review the 90, 60, and 30-day Recruitment Requisition Transition Actions below and take action where appropriate. If someone in your work area oversees recruitment activities, please share this message and ensure the transition activities take place.


  • Begin evaluating your active and on-hold requisitions in HRMS.
    • Review each requisition and identify requisitions that are outdated or no longer needed.
    • Contact the HR Service Center at to cancel requisitions that are no longer needed.
    • Do your best to resolve each candidate’s status in active open requisitions by dispositioning candidates who are not qualified for the role as “not selected”.
  • If applicable, complete the process for moving any outstanding faculty positions in HRMS over to UR Faculty by July 1. For more information about UR Faculty recruiting, visit the UR Faculty webpage or reach out to


  • Continue cancelling requisitions that are outdated or no longer needed.
  • Continue updating candidate statuses wherever possible.
    • Continue to resolve each candidate’s status in active open requisitions by dispositioning candidates that are not qualified for the role as “not selected.”
  • If you post a position and receive an adequate candidate pool in the mandatory four- day posting window, consider placing the requisition on hold to prevent new candidates from applying.
  • Be aware that there will be a holding period for new job requisitions, except for critical positions identified, that will run from September 10–22, the 13 days prior to go-live. Managers/supervisors will need to pause requests to create new, non-urgent requisitions during the designated holding period and then follow processes in myURHR at go-live. A full list of critical positions will be available for reference in August.
    • Recruiting activity on already posted, active requisitions can continue unimpeded.
    • Special review and consideration will be available during the holding period for urgent or critical needs by contacting the HRSC at
  • Attend Office Hours (dates and times will be communicated in July) to get answers to your questions and connect live with the recruitment team via Zoom.
  • Use the Interactive Guide and other Box materials, available in July, to review examples of when to hold a requisition as we approach go-live.


  • Continue following the 90 and 60-day actions, including cancelling requisitions and dispositioning candidates.
  • Critically assess any new positions approved to determine if recruiting activities can begin post go-live.
  • Be aware of the recruitment transition holding period from September 10 – 22, the 13 days prior to go-live.
  • Attend Office Hours (dates and times will be communicated in July) to get answers to your questions and connect live with the recruitment team via Zoom.
  • Use the Interactive Guide and other Box materials, available in July, to review examples of when to hold a requisition as we approach go-live.
  • If you are planning on any group hiring in the fall, please reach out to the HR Service Center at to help coordinate.

You will receive communications throughout the summer with specific dates and times for Office Hours as well as links to additional resources. We understand that this will require extra attention and effort from you. We value your collaboration as we strive for a smooth transition to ensure there is no disruption to the recruitment process.

Additionally, to help you prepare, there are FAQs available now. If you have questions before Office Hours begin, please reach out to the myURHR project team via email at

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