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Employee Engagement

Engaged employees are more likely to be high performers. Here are a few ways you and the University help engage with our team members.

Employee engagement survey

Staff in a number of departments participate in the Press Ganey Employee Engagement Survey every 18 months. The survey gives all staff an opportunity to provide input in a structured, confidential manner. Managers and leaders get valuable insight into what is going well for employees and where there’s an opportunity to improve.

A formal action planning process helps the team identify where to focus and how to become ever better.

If your department hasn’t participated in the past but would like to – welcome! Congratulations on taking an important first step towards increasing your department’s engagement. The head of the department can contact their HR Business Partner to discuss next steps.

Stay interviews

Stay interviews are a valuable way to learn about employees’ perceptions of working at the University and on your team, so you can proactively address any challenges or risks to retaining employees.

You can download and print a version of the Stay Interview Form. Or, you can reference the stay interview questions below to guide your conversation.

  1. What do you look forward to at work each day?
  2. What accomplishments from the past year are you most proud of? Why?
  3. What would make your job more satisfying?
  4. What talents, interests, or skills do you have that are not being utilized in your job?
  5. If you could change anything about your job, what would it be? Why?
  6. How can I demonstrate support for you in your current role and as you prepare for any future role?
  7. What might tempt you to leave?
  8. What opportunities for self-improvement would be of interest to you? How will this help in your career progression, growth, or goal attainment?
  9. How do you like to be recognized? What do you like to be recognized for?
  10. What ideas do you have to improve our work environment and culture?
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