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Well-U Department Requests

Department-run activities

You can request a Stress-Free Zone or a Guided Relaxation for your department.

Learn more about the Guided Relaxation on our Stress Management page and check out the Stress-Free Zone flyer. Request either using our Department Request Form.

Department wellness challenges

Well-U offers a variety of unique wellness challenges. These can help your department learn new wellness skills and form healthy habits. And, these programs offer fun prizes for winners, and incentives for all participants!

Explore the drop-downs to see the different options. If you’d like to learn more about these programs, you can submit a request through our Department Request Form.

30 Days of Gratitude Challenge

Feeling and expressing gratitude can improve your mental and physical health. This challenge will help participants incorporate expressing gratitude into their daily routines.

Learn more about the challenge.

Good Food

Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your day protects your body from illness and disease like no other food.  Participant’s goals will be to  eat five servings of nature’s goodness every day in return for some friendly competition and improved health.

Learn more about this competition.

Move It Challenge

Adding movement and physical activity to your day is known to improve your mood, boost energy, help you control your weight, and more. Participants in this challenge will get items that will make moving more enjoyable and a record keeping card to keep track of their physical activity.

Learn more about the challenge.

Operation Hydration Challenge

Staying hydrated has many health benefits. This challenge will provide participates with a Well-U water bottle and record keeping materials to encourage drinking more water throughout the day.

Learn more about the challenge.

Self-care Challenge

Taking care of yourself is a crucial step to healthy work-life balance and having the endurance to take care of others. Showing yourself the love that you deserve also lowers stress, improves health, and has proven to increase life satisfaction – things we all need more of.

Learn more about the challenge.

Treasure of Kindness Challenge

Being kind boosts serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters in the brain that give you feelings of satisfaction and well-being. It can also help reduce stress and bring a fresh perspective to those being kind. Maybe the best benefit of all is that kindness is contagious.

Learn more about the challenge.

Department request form

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