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Employee Recognition

Recognition is a simple yet powerful way to let employees know they’re doing well and having an impact, and that you see and appreciate it. It could be a simple “thank you”, a card, or the opportunity to share their work with others.

UR Stars

UR Stars is a new, University-wide employee recognition platform designed to reinforce a culture of appreciation and collectively celebrate achievements together across the University strengthening our shared values as “One University.” All faculty and staff are able to send UR Stars Recognition to express gratitude to everyone who makes us ever better by living our values, celebrate the big and small moments where our teams shine, recognize and thank faculty and staff who promote belonging, equity, and diversity or give a shout out to those who aren’t afraid to go big in helping to shape our future. They can also send Everyday Celebrations eCards to recognize career milestones or advancements, service and educational or professional development milestones.

Employee recognition is a crucial aspect of creating a positive and productive work environment. Recognizing and appreciating employees for their impact not only enhances job satisfaction but also drives overall success.

Learn more about UR Stars

Staff awards

Do you have an employee or team who has gone above-and-beyond or achieved a significant accomplishment? There are a number of University-wide awards given annually to staff members who have had an impact on our University and community. Nominations for these awards are typically due in late winter or early spring.

See the awards and submission deadlines

Service anniversaries

The University of Rochester recognizes staff members who achieve service milestones. Active, regular part-time and full-time staff members are honored at five years of service and again every five years thereafter.

Beginning January 2020, eligible employees reaching 5 years of service will be sent a commemorative gift as a token of appreciation for their dedicated service to the University.

Beginning with 10 years of service and every 5 years thereafter, eligible employees will be invited to select a milestone anniversary gift. Supervisors receive an email notifying them of employees who are reaching a milestone anniversary in the next month. Honorees will receive their congratulatory letter with gift ordering instructions at their home address as listed in HRMS. We encourage departments to congratulate these staff members at the department level as well.

In the beginning of the year, staff who reached 10 years of service during the previous calendar year, or a 5-year milestone thereafter, are invited to a staff recognition reception. Staff who reach 25 years of service, or a 5-year milestone thereafter, are also invited to a staff recognition dinner.


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Award Spotlight

Meliora Award

Honoring Employees Dedicated to 'Ever Better'

Each year we honor a select number of staff members or teams of staff whose performance exemplifies our motto, Meliora: Ever Better. Consider nominating one of your employees who shared in these values: Meliora, Equity, Leadership, Integrity, Openness, Respect, and Accountability.

Learn more about the award

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