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F-1 Student On-Campus Employment

F-1 students are allowed to work on-campus while maintaining their valid status.

This benefit is available immediately, and the job you take on-campus doesn’t need to be related to your field of study. You’re permitted to work for any University of Rochester employer, including all University campuses, divisions, and departments (and potentially Eastman affiliates).

Sometimes, positions with off-campus employers working on University premises can also be authorized as on-campus employment. If you come across such an opportunity, it’s a good idea to connect with an ISO Advisor to review the job offer before you accept it.

All earnings are subject to taxation. It’s important to understand your tax obligations.

On-campus eligibility and limits

There’s an employment limit of 20 hours per week during academic terms. During annual vacation periods, you’re welcome to work full-time. This 20-hour weekly limit applies to all on-campus employment, whether it’s a teaching assistantship, paid research, or any other hired position.

If you’re unsure if a particular activity or award (fellowship, stipend, etc.) counts as employment, reach out to your department. When you need to document your authorization for on-campus employment, you’ll be asked to show proof of your F-1 status as sponsored by the University of Rochester.

“On/Off Employment”: On-campus employment at off-campus locations

Sometimes, work performed off campus can be viewed and authorized as on-campus employment for F-1 students. At the University of Rochester, this is called On/Off employment.

It’s available when the employer is educationally affiliated with the University and the work is integral to your academic program. Work done under this category is considered on-campus employment and it must be within the 20-hour weekly limit during the academic term.

The affiliation between the University of Rochester and the employer needs to be negotiated and established according to the policies of the relevant University division or department, not ISO.

Once the affiliation is set up, you can request a copy of the agreement from the appropriate campus office as needed. Remember to get a formal offer letter from the employer and complete the ISO authorization form (PDF) to document that the position qualifies as on-campus employment. The procedures and appropriate campus contacts may vary throughout the University, so always feel free to reach out for guidance.

Eastman School of Music students

If you’re an Eastman School of Music student, your programs often involve affiliations with area churches, schools, and other arts organizations. These employers are known as ESM Affiliates. The Office of Academic Affairs manages all affiliation agreements.

Eligible ESM students will receive a letter from ISO documenting their work permission with affiliated employers under the “On-Campus Employment at an Off-Campus Location” policy. However, it is your responsibility to keep all documentation related to your employment in order. This includes having:

  • A valid I-20 and F-1 status
  • Job offer letters for each position
  • Proof of the ESM affiliation
  • Work records that show your total weekly hours (which must not exceed the limit of 20 hours per week during the academic year, including all other on-campus employment through the University)

End of eligibility

You’re no longer authorized for on-campus employment at the University when you end your academic relationship, or are no longer maintaining F-1 through the University of Rochester. This includes:

  • Completion of all degree requirements
  • Expiration of your current I-20
  • Transfer of your SEVIS record to another school
  • Violation of your F-1 student status and/or termination of your SEVIS record

It is important that you understand and plan ahead for the impact any of these actions may have on your ability to continue working at the University.