Dashboard: International - International Agreements: Office for Global Engagement
The International Agreements Dashboard effectively displays all active agreements that the University of Rochester's Office for Global Engagement has with foreign institutions and organizations. After users set specific filters (Country, UR School, UR Department, Foreign Institution/Organization, Agreement Category, Agreement Type), they are able to view all pertinent metadata for international agreements, including duration.
International Agreements Dashboard (TOP):
When users initially log into the International Agreements Dashboard, they should first select the filters they are interested in, located along the left-hand side of the dashboard (filters are defaulted to include all active agreements). Moving from left to right, users will see the focal point of the dashboard, a map that displays the number of specific agreements the University of Rochester has abroad. When the mouse is hovered over a country that is color-filled, the name of the country, number of agreements, and number of foreign institutions/organizations that UofR has agreements with in that country, is displayed. To the immediate right of the map, users will see stacked bar chart broken out by school, which displays how many active agreements are attached to each school and what the agreement category is. Underneath the "Agreement by School and Category" chart, and also to the right of the "International Agreements Map", the total number of active agreements are displayed in a stand-alone box.

Directly below the filters, the "International Agreements Map," "Agreement by School and Category," and "Active Agreements," the dashboard displays a meta-data table of pertinent data. The table both reacts to the filters that the user sets, or can be used as a filter itself (as can any view). It displays all information related to Country, UR School, UR Department, Foreign Institution/Organization, Agreement Category, Agreement Type, Specific Agreement, and whether or not there is a copy on file.

The bottom third of the dashboard is where the "Agreement Duration" data is displayed using a Gantt Chart. Each specific agreement is represented by a solid-colored bar (color represents school), with pertinent related data (Country, Foreign Institution/Organization, Specific Agreement) to the left of the duration bar. Hover over each bar to uncover additional pertinent data about each agreement, including Date Agreement Signed, Date Agreement Expires, and UR School. A vertical green dashed line represents the current day ("today").

Each view on the dashboard was designed to be dynamic. This means that users have the ability to click on a specific area of the dashboard (i.e. Country, school, foreign institution) and the dashboard will react as if a filter has been set, and will display the data accordingly. To clear click filters, users need to click outside of visualization, and the dashboard will reset to default.
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