Proposal Summary By Division Report (Drill-Thru Cognos)
This report lists out the proposal summary based on the report filter choices made by the end user. The report can further drill-down on division to provide a proposal summary by department.
This is a list report with a prompt page that allows users to use filters such as: 
Department Family
Sponsor Type
Sponsor Name
Proposal submission dates

The user can then click to finish the prompting and execute the report. 
This report provides a high level count of proposals and a summary of the proposal's direct, indirect & total dollar amounts by division based on the user's selected filters, then allows users to drill through to proposal summary by department report by clicking on the 'Division' (hyperlinked shown in blue font) to see a roll-up of dollar amounts at the department level.
Additional Details
Report Location:  
Report Folder: Team Content>#Grant Reporting (IORA)>Grant and Proposal Reporting Reports ;
Report Name: Proposals - Summary by Division