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Service Diagrams

University IT Maintenance Calendar



Production Services




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[Production Services | Application Turnover | Output Management | System Maintenance | Enterprise Backup]

Application Turnover - JCL Checklist

  • Remove the following from RUNJCL and Procedure:
    • REGION= parameter of less than 40M
    • PERFORM=30 from EXEC
    • VOL=REF parameter
    • Q=F from RUNJCL
    • /*SETUP
  • Any job that initiates email from the mainframe should use VPS/Email vs. setting the SYSOUT to SMTPSRV.
  • Any job that makes use of FTP should use files P.SERVER.CARDFILE and P.USERPSWD.CARDFILE to store the server name, and server userid/password, respectively. In addition, the GET/PUT commands should be copied to temporary files for concatenation with the server name and userid/passwords.
  • VPS printing and/or VPS/Emailing is required for reports under 100 pages.
  • Job priority must be 2 (PRTY=2) or completely removed (default is 2).
  • Verify job class is correct for production.
  • Check condition coding for validity.
  • Check Rerun/Restart instructions. There should be instructions for a complete rerun and instructions in each step for restarting.
  • Small datasets must be backed up on disk; not tape. (8900 KB/10 Cyls or less). The Daily Incrementals (ABRINCRL) will be used to restore datasets.
  • Comment line with task-id, date and initials of person changing the procedure.
  • “Special Instructions” should include documentation of any Cardfile parameter values, Natural logon and input parameters example. Should also contain any “special” rerun or restart instructions.
  • Temporary cataloged datasets (TCDS) must be in the first and final delete steps.
  • Offer CA-VIEW as an alternative to printed reports.





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Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2015 10:38:06 EDT
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