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Service Diagrams

University IT Maintenance Calendar



Production Services




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[Production Services | Application Turnover | Output Management | System Maintenance | Enterprise Backup]

Application Turnover - Scheduling Turnover

The following times are used to schedule applications turnover review only. Review of environmental, systems or database upgrades are not included.

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Please setup an appointment 24 hours in advance by scheduling a time on the Outlook Calendar using the global e-mail address DCS Production Control for the Production Control Group.

Turnover will NOT be accepted on Friday or the day before a holiday unless it is to fix a critical production failure and is signature approved by the Departmental Director.

All turnover materials to include test results should be date stamped within 30 days from being moved into production.

Exception turnover will be reviewed by appointment (call 59240 or e-mail the Production Control Group) and must have a manager's signature on the turnover document. Turnover that is reviewed and moved into production outside of the normal review schedule will be considered critical. Critical applications require the application programmer responsible for making the change to be on-call with Production Control that evening.

Production failures (emergency turnover) will be reviewed by appointment the following day (call 59240 or e-mail the Production Control Group). Production applications that fail are considered critical and usually must run the following night. An on-call situation for Production Control and the responsible applications programmer are required unless waived by the user department.

Production control will not execute runjcl, procedures or programs in the production environment that reside in a development library or "D." dataset. A manager or director must sign onetime production requests for execution of jobs out of the onetime library.






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Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2015 10:38:06 EDT
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