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Service Diagrams

University IT Maintenance Calendar



Production Services




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[Production Services | Application Turnover | Output Management | System Maintenance | Enterprise Backup]

Output Management - Forms Design


ELIXIR is a software product that allows creation of special forms instead of purchasing the forms from a vendor.

We have a used ELIXIR to mass produce letters instead of creating the letter using SCRIPT. This enables the program to just produce the variable data (date, name and address) instead of the letter for each customer.

Special forms such as IDX postcards, United Way Pledge forms, and Student and Hospital bills have been created using this tool. Creating in-house forms is a major cost savings to the University and Hospital and gives us great flexibility in last minute changes as needed.

This is commonly referred to as using a “flash” or overlay. The flash can be printed on VPS or mainframe printers as long as the file is created on the mainframe.

Logos, signatures and letterhead can also be created and incorporated.





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Last Modified: Thursday, 03-Sep-2015 10:38:06 EDT
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