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Sara Miller

Associate Vice President for Public Relations and University Spokesperson

Sara Miller


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University News
October 15, 2014 | 06:13 pm

University to provide transition-related health care benefits

The Health Plan Committee, which evaluates new proposals for inclusion in the University’s health program offerings, recently approved this expansion of benefits to enrolled employees and their covered family members. The benefit will cover medically necessary transition-related coverage, including hormone therapy, medical and psychological counseling, and gender affirmation surgery.

topics: announcements, LGBTQI, Susan B. Anthony Center,
University News
October 10, 2014 | 04:37 pm

Robert L. Sproull, president emeritus, dies

Robert Lamb Sproull, internationally known physicist, professor and the seventh president of the University of Rochester, died Oct. 9 at the age of 96. Sproull joined the University as provost in 1968 and was president from 1970 to 1984.

topics: board of trustees, obituaries, Robert L. Sproull,
University News
October 3, 2014 | 08:50 pm

Rochester to compete for Integrated Photonics Manufacturing Institute

On Oct. 3, Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter announced that the Obama administration has made a significant federal commitment to the nation’s photonics industry through a competition that may boost the Rochester-area economy and create jobs.

topics: American Institute for Manufacturing Photonics, announcements, community, photonics,
University News
September 23, 2014 | 08:39 pm

New entrance ramp from Kendrick to I-390 opens

This new connection to I-390, along with the newly built direct access from East River Road is expected to improve safety, reduce congestion, and provide the access necessary for the University to expand.

topics: announcements, community, Facilities and Services, President Seligman,
University News
September 19, 2014 | 02:52 pm

UHS to attempt 5,000 flu vaccines in one day

On Thursday, Oct. 30, University Health Service (UHS) staff will attempt to vaccinate 5,000 students, faculty and staff against this year’s flu virus. The effort will doubly serve as a test of emergency preparedness to practice delivering mass quantities of vaccine or drug in response to an urgent public health concern. All River Campus-based students, faculty and staff are asked to consider participating in this clinic if they wish to receive the flu shot this year.

topics: announcements, drug treatments, influenza, University Health Service, vaccines,
University News
September 9, 2014 | 08:54 pm

New York Times lists University of Rochester as among most economically diverse

The University of Rochester is listed 28th on the New York Times’ “The Most Economically Diverse Top Colleges” list. Editors then created the College Access Index, a methodology “based on the share of freshmen in recent years who came from low-income families (measured by the share receiving a Pell grant) and on the net price of attendance for low- and middle-income families.”

topics: announcements, college rankings, diversity,
University News
August 29, 2014 | 01:51 pm

Public Safety debuts new Adopt-a-Hall program

As part of the program, assigned officers will introduce themselves to the residents and provide them with their work e-mail address. They will attend hall meetings at least two times per semester, and hall staff will be able to request safety and prevention presentations through them.

topics: announcements, Department of Public Safety,
University News
August 6, 2014 | 10:10 am

Thomas Farrell to lead Advancement

Thomas J. Farrell ’88,’94 (MS) has been named to lead the University’s advancement effort, which is in the public phase of a $1.2 billion capital campaign. Farrell brings more than 24 years of advancement experience, which began in 1990 as class campaign fundraiser at the University.

topics: appointments, Thomas Farrell, University Advancement,
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