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In Photos
November 6, 2015 | 10:40 am

An autumnal reprieve

Students enjoyed an unseasonably warm week in November, taking full advantage of the sunshine.

In Photos
October 25, 2015 | 04:42 pm

The Sundance Kid Is Beautiful

Multidisciplinary artist Christopher Knowles rehearses in Todd Theatre. The Sundance Kid is Beautiful presents Knowles’s work in a staged performance environment that incorporates many of his diverse approaches, including dance, sculpture, music, and poetry.

topics: events, Film and Media Studies Program, Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies, Humanities Center, International Theatre Program, School of Arts and Sciences,
In Photos
October 23, 2015 | 09:32 am

Seeds of knowledge

A beautiful fall day on the quad finds students — and nature — embracing the weather on the Eastman quad.

In Photos
October 10, 2015 | 05:02 pm

New home for a familiar face

The bust of abolitionist and leader Frederick Douglass sits in its new home on the stairway landing in the Great Hall of Rush Rhees Library. The statue is one of the oldest on campus, having been dedicated and placed in Sibley Hall on the University’s original Prince Street campus in 1879.

topics: Frederick Douglass, rush rhees library,
In Photos
October 5, 2015 | 11:42 am

‘Fall Break’

Students enjoy a fall break October 5–6. The perfect autumn Rochester weather we are seeing provides a glorious opportunity to rest and recharge, just in time for Meliora Weekend.

topics: fall break,
In Photos
September 22, 2015 | 01:41 pm

‘Silence Hurts Us All’

As part of National Suicide Prevention Month, the University chapter of Active Minds planted 1,100 pinwheels– representing the number of college students lost to suicide each year– in Wilson Quad in an effort to raise awareness about the incidence and impact of suicide, connect students to needed mental health resources, and inspire action for suicide prevention.

topics: mental illness, suicide,
In Photos
September 17, 2015 | 12:55 pm

‘A spectacular day for Rochester’

Joel Seligman, University president and CEO (right), and Rob Clark, senior vice president for research and dean of the Hajim School, address the media after this week’s announcement about AIM Photonics. In addition to announcing a new seven-member governance board that will include a representative from the University, Cuomo announced that the headquarters for AIM Phototics will be located in Legacy Tower, the former home of Bausch and Lomb, in downtown Rochester, while the Sibley building, where the University-affiliated High Tech Rochester is developing new space, will include a workforce development center, and Eastman Business Park will be the site of the project’s manufacturing operations.

topics: American Institute for Manufacturing Photonics,
In Photos
September 11, 2015 | 10:12 am

We remember

University of Rochester and Rochester Institute of Technology NROTC midshipmen hold a vigil at the Meridian on the Eastman Quadrangle to honor members of the university community who were killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks.

topics: NROTC,
In Photos
August 27, 2015 | 01:31 pm

Partnership with East begins

Seventh-grade English language arts teacher Craig McManus and ninth-grade global history teacher Rob Snyder ’12, ’13W (MS), an East High School graduate, talk with sixth-grade social studies and English language arts teacher Khieta Davis during a professional development training session at East last week. East Upper and Lower Schools —under a new partnership with the University—will welcome students back to the classroom September 8. The University is serving as the Educational Partnership Organization (EPO) for East starting this school year, with Shaun Nelms ’04W (MS) ’13W (EdD) leading the effort as EPO superintendent.

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