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Voices & Opinion
January 29, 2019 | 10:46 am

Australia asks how best to tell a story of national beginnings

What makes for a good celebration of national origins? Professor of philosophy Randall Current recently discussed the issue on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as the controversy over Australia Day grows.

topics: Australia, Department of Philosophy, global engagement, Randall Curren, School of Arts and Sciences,
Voices & Opinion
January 17, 2019 | 12:54 pm

Rochester: home to the study of pop music

The “study of pop music is just as serious-minded as studying Beethoven, Bach, and Brahms,” says John Covach, director of Rochester’s Institute for Popular Music in (585) magazine.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, Institute for Popular Music, John Covach, School of Arts and Sciences,
Voices & Opinion
January 14, 2019 | 08:32 am

Russia and the paradox of freedom of expression

While Russia still allows for more openness, discussion, and freedom of expression than some authoritarian countries, it’s more complicated than that, says political science professor Randall Stone, who recently returned from a trip to Russia.

topics: Department of Political Science, global engagement, Office for Global Engagement, Randall Stone, Russia, School of Arts and Sciences, Skalny Center for Polish and Central European Studies,
Voices & Opinion
January 3, 2019 | 03:23 pm

Love in the time of Tinder

More than one-third of the sample in a recent survey by associate professor of psychology Ronald Rogge used dating apps. Rogge joined professor Harry Reis on WXXI to discuss this and other changes in dating culture.

topics: Department of Psychology, Harry Reis, relationships, Ronald Rogge,
November 13, 2018 | 02:24 pm

Stock market ups and downs: A long view is in order

How concerned should the investing public be about recent downturns in the stock market? While daily fluctuations make for interesting news stories, Simon Business School professor Bill Schwert advises investors to “take a long view.”

topics: Bill Schwert, economy, Simon School of Business,
Voices & Opinion
September 28, 2018 | 02:00 pm

How might we detect possible intelligent life beyond Earth?

“There’s so much to look at, and we’ve done so little of it so far,” Rochester professor of astrophysics Adam Frank told NPR’s All Things Considered.

topics: Adam Frank, Department of Physics and Astronomy, School of Arts and Sciences,
Voices & Opinion
August 28, 2018 | 12:21 pm

The art of crafting your job

“Five questions” with Emil Kang ’90, a national arts leader who took his first job as a gallery receptionist and made it his own.

topics: Rochester Review,
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