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University News
May 12, 2021 | 12:24 pm

2021 honorary degrees, medals, and teaching awards announced

Distinguished leaders, educators, and humanitarians will be honored during this spring’s commencement ceremonies.

topics: Brian Brent, commencement, commencement awards, Department of Chemistry, Department of History, Eastman School of Music, Ellen Matson, featured-post-side, Institute of Optics, Reinhold Steingrover, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Stewart Weaver, Tricia Shalka, Warner School of Education,
University News
May 11, 2021 | 02:10 pm

Commencement 2021: Planning pomp and circumstance during a pandemic

Amid ever-changing COVID-19 guidelines, University staff have worked tirelessly to organize a safe and meaningful hybrid commencement for the Class of 2021.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, Class of 2021, commencement, COVID-19, Eastman School of Music, events, School of Medicine and Dentistry, School of Nursing, Simon Business School, Warner School of Education,
University News
May 5, 2021 | 09:43 am

Rochester’s latest CAREER award recipients pursue wide range of projects

This year, five University of Rochester researchers have received the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for early-career faculty.

topics: announcements, awards, Dan Bergstralh, Department of Anthropology, Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry, Department of Computer Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Kathryn Knowles, Kathryn Mariner, Ranga Dias, School of Arts and Sciences, Yuhao Zhu,