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University News
September 15, 2014 | 01:15 pm

Futurity celebrates five years of ‘cool science’

Why do we eat more snacks when watching action movies? Can a plant on your desk boost productivity? Could computers be our best weapons to fight the flu? For the last five years, Futurity — hosted and edited at the University of Rocheste — has shared answers to these and other questions scientists are investigating at research universities around the world.

topics: Futurity,
University News
September 9, 2014 | 08:54 pm

New York Times lists University of Rochester as among most economically diverse

The University of Rochester is listed 28th on the New York Times’ “The Most Economically Diverse Top Colleges” list. Editors then created the College Access Index, a methodology “based on the share of freshmen in recent years who came from low-income families (measured by the share receiving a Pell grant) and on the net price of attendance for low- and middle-income families.”

topics: announcements, college rankings, diversity,
University News
August 29, 2014 | 01:51 pm

Public Safety debuts new Adopt-a-Hall program

As part of the program, assigned officers will introduce themselves to the residents and provide them with their work e-mail address. They will attend hall meetings at least two times per semester, and hall staff will be able to request safety and prevention presentations through them.

topics: announcements, Department of Public Safety,
University News
August 22, 2014 | 08:59 pm

Political science researchers earn top awards

Lynda Powell, Gerald Gamm, G. Bingham Powell, Jr., and Hein Goemans will be recognized for their award-winning research during the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in August.

topics: awards, Department of Political Science, G. Bingham Powell, Gerald Gamm, Hein Goemans, Lynda Powell, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
August 21, 2014 | 06:59 pm

Rochester top college destination for African leadership students

The University ranks as the number one destination for graduates of the African Leadership Academy (ALA), a selective college preparatory program in South Africa. Last week the University hosted the academy’s 4th annual indaba, meaning “gathering” in Zulu – the largest conference in North America for students who have graduated from ALA.

topics: admissions, African Leadership Academy, events, global engagement, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Jonathan Burdick, School of Arts and Sciences, South Africa,
University News
August 6, 2014 | 10:10 am

Thomas Farrell to lead Advancement

Thomas J. Farrell ’88,’94 (MS) has been named to lead the University’s advancement effort, which is in the public phase of a $1.2 billion capital campaign. Farrell brings more than 24 years of advancement experience, which began in 1990 as class campaign fundraiser at the University.

topics: appointments, Thomas Farrell, University Advancement,
University News
July 18, 2014 | 03:10 pm

Teen Health and Success Conference focuses on self-esteem, professional networking

More than 80 Rochester high school students will attend the two-day Teen Health and Success Conference on River Campus to focus on developing strategies for successful employment and crafting a statement about career aspirations and future goals.

topics: city schools, community, Rochester City School District, Teen Health and Success Partnership, teenagers,
University News
June 30, 2014 | 08:37 pm

‘The end of the beginning’: A plan to save East High School

At the request of the Rochester City School Board, the University has submitted a plan intended to administer East High School, the largest high school in Rochester which is on the verge of being closed by the State because of inadequate performance.

topics: East High School, Educational Partnership Organization, EPO, Rochester City School District, Warner School of Education,