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Three recipients of the Iberdrola Scholarship Program for Energy and Environment Postgraduate Studies in the U.S. are currently studying for a master’s degree at the University of Rochester.

The Iberdrola scholarship program started in 2010 to support graduate studies in renewable energy, environmental protection, climate change and energy efficiency. Last year, the University of Rochester had one student who received a fellowship under this program, for the first time, and this year three students are being supported by the Iberdrola USA Foundation in conjunction with Fundación Iberdrola of Spain and Scottish Power. Each fellowship covers the full cost of enrollment plus a stipend.

“The future of renewable energy in the US and abroad relies heavily on advances in research and development being conducted at academic institutions like the University of Rochester and corporations like Iberdrola,” said Wendi Heinzelman, dean of graduate studies for Arts, Sciences and Engineering. “The partnership between Iberdrola and the University of Rochester has provided support for multiple students to be educated in the critically important areas of energy and the environment, enabling these students to make exciting contributions to solutions that support alternative forms of energy, enhance sustainability, and provide improved energy efficiency and storage.”

Two of the students, Samuel Sowden Garcia and Jose Alberto Medina Jimena, both from Spain, are studying for a master’s in alternative energy. The third, Samuel Steven from Rochester, is studying for a master’s in optics and technical entrepreneurship and management with a concentration in energy and the environment.

On receiving the scholarship Medina Jimena reflected on how a better understanding of energy sources was something that he has been interested in since he was a child. He added that he wants to focus on novel marine technologies during his time at Rochester. Steven said that his interest was particularly on how green technologies can be implemented, bearing in mind the most applicable markets and environments. They all commented on the opportunity the scholarships provided them and their excitement in coming to Rochester.

“Iberdrola and Iberdrola USA believe it’s our duty to help identify and develop the next generation of renewable energy leaders,” said Bob Kump, CEO of Iberdrola USA. “This scholarship program is another page in our long history of environmental stewardship and concern for the future of the planet. We’re very proud of these scholars and wish them much success.”

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