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Posts Tagged awards

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Science & Technology
November 27, 2018 | 01:06 pm

Two Rochester scientists named AAAS fellows

Kara Bren of the Department of Chemistry and Robert Boyd of the Institute of Optics are being recognized for their “efforts toward advancing scientific applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished.”

topics: awards, Department of Chemistry, Institute of Optics, Kara Bren, Robert Boyd,
Campus Life
November 9, 2018 | 01:08 pm

Wells Award winners excel in engineering and humanities

They major in optical engineering and minor in Italian. Or work toward dual degrees in music and computer science. Or pursue two minors while majoring in audio and music engineering. Meet the graduating seniors from the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences honored for pursuing dual degrees or minors in the humanities.

topics: Arthur Satz Department of Music, Audio and Music Engineering, awards, Department of Computer Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Eastman School of Music, featured-post, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, humanities, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics,
Science & Technology
October 16, 2018 | 01:57 pm

Physicist wins award to support ‘re-entry’ of women scientists

It is an issue for women in all academic fields, but especially in STEM fields. After two difficult pregnancies interrupted her career studying quantum optics, a fellowship is helping Asma Al-Qasimi get back to the lab.

topics: Asma Al-Qasimi, awards, Department of Physics and Astronomy, research funding, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
October 16, 2018 | 11:59 am

Meet this year’s winners of the Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Hayley Clatterbuck, an assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy; John Lambropoulos, chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; and Michael Jarvis, an associate professor in the Department of History are being recognized for their distinctive teaching accomplishments.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, awards, Department of History, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Philosophy, featured-post, Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Hayley Clatterbuck, John Lambropoulos, Michael Jarvis, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
October 12, 2018 | 11:59 am

Short and sweet: research told briefly and to the point takes the prize

Competitions are helping early career scientists hone their ability to communicate their research in short, compelling, and easily understood presentations.

topics: Ahmed Ghazi, awards, Falling Walls, Ian Cero, Melissa Sturge-Apple, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Steadman Family Postdoctoral Award in Interdisciplinary Research, suicide, surgery,
Society & Culture
October 8, 2018 | 09:19 am

Former economics professor Paul Romer receives Nobel Prize

The former assistant professor of economics at the University of Rochester is currently a professor at New York University, and was recognized by the Nobel Committee for his work on the economics of technological change.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, featured-post-side, Nobel Prize, School of Arts and Sciences,
Science & Technology
October 2, 2018 | 12:29 pm

Rochester breakthrough in laser science earns Nobel Prize

University of Rochester doctoral graduate Donna Strickland ’89 (PhD) and former optics faculty member Gérard Mourou shared the Nobel Prize in Physics today for work they undertook at the University’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Their breakthrough paved the way for the creating very short and very intense laser pulses now used in a variety of applications, from LASIK eye surgery to the manufacturing of materials used in cell phones.

topics: Arts Sciences and Engineering, awards, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Institute of Optics, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, lasers, Michael Campbell, Nobel Prize, Wayne Knox,
University News
September 14, 2018 | 12:46 pm

Three University professors to receive Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Hayley Clatterbuck in the Department of Philosophy, John Lambropoulos in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Michael Jarvis in the Department of History will be honored at a ceremony on October 18.

topics: awards, Department of History, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Philosophy, Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Hayley Clatterbuck, John Lambropoulos, Michael Jarvis, School of Arts and Sciences,
University News
September 13, 2018 | 04:31 pm

Economics conference to honor Mark Bils, explore changes in the US economy

At a weekend conference “Dynamics of the US Economy: Challenges Ahead,” economists from four continents will gather at the University to honor the 30-year career of Mark Bils, the Hazel Fyfe Professor in Economics.

topics: awards, Department of Economics, events, Mark Bils, School of Arts and Sciences,