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University News
April 3, 2014 | 02:52 pm

Riccardo Betti named inaugural Robert L. McCrory Professor

Riccardo Betti, professor of mechanical engineering and of physics and astronomy and assistant director for academic affairs at the Laborator for Laser Energetics, was named the inaugural Robert L. McCrory Professor.

topics: Department of Physics and Astronomy, nuclear fusion, professorships, Riccardo Betti, Robert McCrory,
University News
March 12, 2014 | 05:55 pm

Historian to be first Dexter Perkins Professor

Joan Shelley Rubin is a professor of American cultural history. The endowed position honors the late Dexter Perkins, a prominent American diplomatic historian.

topics: announcements, Department of History, Dexter Perkins Professorship in History, Joan Shelley Rubin, professorships,
University News
April 22, 2013 | 04:57 pm

Trustee Endows English Professorship

“It’s a privilege and a pleasure to be able to contribute in my small way to a department that enriched my life,” said Hilfiker. “I am a very proud and grateful alumnus.”

topics: Alan Hilfiker, announcements, board of trustees, Department of English, giving, professorships, scholarship, School of Arts and Sciences,